Figs Take You Places in Armenia
A Fickle Pursuit of the Best
How can mere figs take you places? In northern Armenia you could travel across the country in pursuit of the best. Shopping for Armenian figs is not taken lightly by locals but you can make it as complicated as your palette requires. After all, you are in a land that straddles Europe and Asia and most rules in this part of the world are blurred.
The best taste, variety and price. All of these come into play in the fall. That is when fig trees explode with nature’s joy of sweet pulp, seeds and juice. It is an amalgam that can delight the most discerning of tastes. As you drive throughout the countryside vendors will have on offer along the roadsides their fig tree harvest. They will be everywhere, especially in the north. Your research can be as easy or as complicated as you prefer. You can negotiate with every vendor. Play their proximity against each other. Chances are they will be friends and neighbours though and their alliances wont’ be easily broken. They will collaborate with each other before they will align with a fig starved non local hitting their pocketbook for the best deal.
The country is so small you can cover your fig acquisition expedition in an afternoon and return home with a trunk full of figs from several varieties, depending on your mood and palette. So prep your tastebuds for a little mouthwatering work and get yourself on the Armenian roads!
For more on food in strange lands, see also:
